Unlock the Lighting & Coloring Secrets FROM PUBLISHED Photographers,
in Minutes.



Unveil Lighting, camera, and coloring secrets, mastered only by the industry’s best - Techniques that remain undisclosed to the masses



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tailored for your needs.



120+ capture one PRESETS


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  • 150+ Light Setups
  • Priority Support

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2-4 Users
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  • All Pro Plus Features
  • Digitech Support


Elevate your portfolio to command attention. With our techniques, capture consistent perfection, outshining peers and impressing high-end clients.


Be the studio everyone talks about. Enhance your bookings with signature looks, attract high-profile projects, and set the industry benchmark.

Ad Agencies

Meet soaring client expectations with iconic visuals. Dive into industry secrets, ensuring every campaign leaves a lasting impact.”


Be the unsung hero of every shoot. Our techniques make you the indispensable asset that every photographer seeks.”


Set the gold standard in production. Streamline processes, assure perfection, and be the producer every brand trusts.

Content Creators

Don’t just create; captivate. Harness top-tier techniques to produce viral visuals that resonate and engage.


Don’t just create; captivate. Harness top-tier techniques to produce viral visuals that resonate and engage.


Forge the future of photography. Equip students with elite techniques, ensuring they don’t just learn, but lead the industry.


Your designs are masterpieces; showcase them as such. Collaborate for the perfect shot, presenting your creations in the limelight they deserve.


Marwan Al Hossary


Known & Published set ups are now an essential part of my planning process, it just makes it so much easier for me to achieve my vision. it’s a great way to start planning your desired look and you can tweak it as you go. The website is perfectly organized, everything’s easy and clear for understanding. The presets offered give you a much deeper understanding of why the light set ups work the way they do.

Aaliya Bek

Young Photographer

For the first time, the secrets of the exclusive world of photography have been opened to the aspiring creatives. A lucky discovery for any one who wishes to become a photographer or craft their creative artistry. With the simple and intuitive guidelines, i can instantly start creating photos from the timeless yet innovative published works. This platform revolutionizes the photography industry. I'm fascinated that it hasn’t been invented earlier.

Anthony Tosello


I think the biggest thing for me so far has been seeing how simple a lot of these lighting setups are. I'd always look at advertising and magazines and think I could never light like that but actually seeing the setups that are often used has been a real eye opener for me. It has given me a confidence boost in my studio lighting and makes me want to get back into a studio and start testing it all out.

Mila Namida


I practiced Known & Published light setups and the shoots went very productive. The information on the website was accessible, simple to imply into work. Another great advantage was having variety of Capture One presets that helped to get final result images.

Anna Wickham


I love the simplicity of the website, just click on the photo you like and the lighting set up is revealed. No more need to guess the lighting! What stands out is how anyone can try out these set ups, even with basic equipment. I feel I've already learnt a lot from seeing how some of this high end work is made.

Blanka Nagy


Throughout my modeling career I’ve always felt the urge to not only be the canvas but the painter as well of the creative projects I’ve worked on. This amazing platform gives us the equipment we didn’t know we always needed to express ourselves in the industry in a different way. During a Pandemic it comes super handy, and in the era of instagram we can truly create quality content or even shoot the covers of magazines in our own homes! Outstanding!

Buthaina Bin Beyat


The perfect platform for photographers and whoever is looking to learn about lighting. A library of lighting diagrams and beautiful images organized in a way where my team and I can definitely benefit from. Easy to use, organized and such an important tool to help with implementing lighting setups. Highly recommended and will definitely be part of every project!

Katie Trotter


In a fast changing world of content, this informative platform offers instant access into the world of professional photography, giving a self starter a theoretical and practical guide, into lighting techniques and moods from industry specialists.

Toni Malt


Aspiring photographers who are interested in furthering a deeper knowledge, and a fast track route to creating quality content, in a market where knowledge is not openly available, this cannot be missed

Jenna Alexandra Smith


The lighting diagram and reference image features really stood out to me as an assistant/ digi op. It is so much easier for photographers to communicate ideas and concepts to their assistants, in order to seamlessly create lighting lists from clear and precise setups. It really ensures everyone is on the same page, from pre to post production!

Jan Vrhovnik


Web’s most intuitive and affordable way to learn the lighting tricks from industry’s most renowned creatives! For anyone wanting to enter the industry or expend your existing lighting techniques - this platform is an absolute gold dust!



This is definitely a market disrupter. Specially the fact that this platform is letting everyone to get a quick access to specific published and proven shots. This surely defeats all the masterclass & long videos on internet teaching photography. This is something that I can use myself to shoot basic stuff for my company.



From the heart of London, Mannbutte crafts tales of elegance. His globally recognized photos exude warm tones and sophistication. Yet, he’s also known to surprise with quirky, edgy portraits.


“In every shot lies an emotion, waiting to be unveiled.”


Tokyo’s Hashiya paints stories with light. His minimalistic shots tell tales within every frame. Featured in top-tier magazines and the genius behind tellers.com, his artistry shines.


“In simplicity lies complexity; I find beauty in the minimal”.


Karala’s love for portraiture dives deep. More than images, he unveils the stories behind the gaze. Revered in fashion and beauty photography, he’s known for turning portraits into timeless tales. His contributions to elite magazines speak volumes.


“To capture a soul, not just a face, is the true essence of portraiture.”


Karala’s love for portraiture dives deep. More than images, he unveils the stories behind the gaze. Revered in fashion and beauty photography, he’s known for turning portraits into timeless tales. His contributions to elite magazines speak volumes.


“To capture a soul, not just a face, is the true essence of portraiture.”


Tokyo’s Hashiya paints stories with light. His minimalistic shots tell tales within every frame. Featured in top-tier magazines and the genius behind tellers.com, his artistry shines.


“In simplicity lies complexity; I find beauty in the minimal”.


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I am a professional and published photographer, is this website for me?
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What is glossary & equipment list?
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How often the new light setups or presets are added to the site.
I do not understand the Lighting Setups. Can I get in touch with the photographer directly?
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Can I use the images seen on Known and Published for my own work?
Can I use the website’s content for resale on my or any other educational portal?
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Are these lighting setups from Set.a.lite 3D?
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I am an amateur photographer and I don’t have any technical knowledge. Is this website beneficial for me?

The resources available are beneficial to photographers of all levels. Be it self-improvement, different lighting sketches, or even inspiration. With access to industry secrets from published photographers and various presets, Known & Published is the next step in your professional journey.

I do not have professional photography experience or vocabulary. How do I understand the website's content?

Once subscribed, you will get access to a technical glossary. Here you can learn everything mentioned on the website. The recoupment, the terminologies, the science, etc.

I am a professional and published photographer, is this website for me?

If you are already being published and working for big titles, this website can be your go-to for many of the presets provided by other artists like yourself. Explore tried and tested lighting styles and new ideas from the peers in your field.

What are the differences in the subscription packages?

We have two subscription packages. Both packages give access to lighting guides, gear list and glossary, and support. PRO PLUS gives you access to a selection of over 100+ Capture One Presets from your favorite artists with constant additions. Kindly click on the link below for more information.

I do not understand the Lighting Guides. Can I get in touch with the photographer directly?

If you are experiencing trouble understanding a photographer's lighting guide, kindly write an email to info@knownandpublished.com and we will try to arrange a session with the photographer via zoom or call. This will be handled on a case by case basis.


What are the Terms of Service & the Privacy Policy for Known and Published?

Kindly click on the link below for more information.

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Can I use the images seen on Known and Published for my own work?

All the images on the Known and Published website are owned by the artist/photographer according to the US copyright law. Photographers have authorized Known and Published Ltd. to display their photographs for the purposes of sharing lighting guides and presets only. No one other than the photographer is allowed to use these images by copying, distribution or monetizing.

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Can I use the website’s content for resale on my or any other educational portal?

Lighting guides are created by Known and Published Ltd. and own all the rights. K&P Photographers have authorized Known & Published Ltd. for distribution, sale, and sharing purposes. Members are not authorized with the resale, distribution or copyright infringement of content.


Can I share membership details with a friend or family member?

Known & Published subscription is only for one subscriber. Unauthorized logins may result in account suspension and eventual cancellation without a refund.

I purchased the subscription by mistake. Can I cancel it and get my refund?

Kindly write an email to info@knownandpublished.com. This will be handled on a case by case basis to ensure a satisfactory response.